A Trip To Lancing Today Via Brooklands Park 🙂

 Remember when Nix and I got soaked by a van driver when he drove through a deep puddle of water. Well we were walking down the road yesterday and she saw the van parked on a building site. In we went and she asked the worker nearest to it if the same person always drove it. He asked Nix why she wanted to know. I thought that was a bit of a cheek but Nix thought it was quite funny. She told the man in no uncertain terms what would happen if he did it again...to anyone. They both laughed and he promised never to do it again. I didn’t think it was that funny, I was the one who got most of the water that night, I’d have liked to poop on his shoes. 

The shingle shifters aren’t working today so we thought we’d drive over to Lancing to see where they’d been dumping all the stones. We stopped off on the way at the Salvation Army charity shop to drop off all our king size bed linen. As you know Nix was getting more and more annoyed with the king size duvet so she’s changed it for a double. I’m not up on the bed any longer though what difference that makes I have no idea…she says I used to take up most of it. 

We parked at Brooklands Park and made our way across the park to the beach. We could see immediately where all the shingle has gone and I think they’re very lucky to get it because they are very close to the sea. They have a sign in front of their houses saying that bit of beach is private. There were quite a few people walking on it including us because no one knows what a ‘mean high water line’ means .🤔🤣🤣 Nix looked it up so she’d know for next time, she’s non the wiser, something to do with 19 years…🤣

‘The Mean High Water Line (MHWL) is the intersection of the plane of the MHW tidal datum with shore. The elevation of the MHWL is fixed for given time periods and does not change unless tidal datums are updated.’

So…their ‘private’ beach is completely made up of the shingle that’s come from our beach in Shoreham plus we’ve had to put up with all the trucks. I think that entitles us to the odd walk on their beach. 

When we were having our last walk round the block last night I spotted this couple on the other side of the road. I was going mad trying to get at them and Nix didn’t know why. Guess which house they turned into…the BCJ’s. I knew it was them but Nix didn’t of course because of her face blindness…they both had hats on…no chance 🙄


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