Paracetamol Working Well 🙂


The new hoover arrived, Nix was quite disappointed, she was hoping it would take longer 🤣 She has assembled it and given it a quick whizz round the kitchen and it seems to do the job in an acceptable manner considering it was so cheap. It’s now been stored in the cupboard and I doubt we’ll see that again for a while 🤔

The good news is that the paracetamol seem to be working very well indeed. I feel much more relaxed and I’m sleeping really well. Nix wrapped me up in my warm fleece when we went out this morning and when we got home I went straight to bed and slept for quite a long time. Judith Ness Keweb has very kindly ordered a jumper for me to wear indoors during the day. I am really looking forward to getting that, I’ll be as snug as a bug in a rug so thank you Judith 🙂  Nix was thinking about the warm discs you put in the microwave but with a donut bed there isn’t really anywhere to put them. Kay has suggested a self heating blanket which is much cheaper and should keep me very snug indeed. You have all been very kind with your recommendations so thank you 🙂

Nix is very cross with our energy company. The government have been paying money into everyone’s energy account so dogs like moi can keep warm. Our silly energy company have been refunding it back to Nix’s bank account  so not only was Nix underpaying for her energy for the past two months but she also thought she had some money left over at the end of the month and spent it on some new warm winter boots. I have to say she is very excited about these boots, much more so than the vacuum cleaner but you know the others were four years old and rather scruffy.

This afternoon we have been to Mill Hill. I didn’t wear my coat as the sun was out and there wasn’t much wind. Apparently there were some sheep in the distance but I can’t see that far these days otherwise I should have been off, arthritis or no arthritis. I find they do need to be tidied up a little, they’re a bit straggly aren’t they.


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