Nix Wore Her New Ugg Boots And Tripped Up A Paving Stone 🙄

 This morning Nix wore her new Ugg boots. We’d only just got to the end of our road when she tripped up a paving stone. She says it’s because they have very thick soles so you think you’re further away from the ground than you actually are…I give up really 🙄 Anyway she’s fine, luckily we were walking slowly, she landed on her knees and then fell forward onto her hands. I was quite impressed, she never let go of my lead once. Anyway she’s fine, she had jeans on and gloves so I don’t think you’ll be subjected to any photos of bruising. I shall edit them out if she tries to include them. At least we made it to church and tea and croissants afterwards. 

Nix found some old woollen coats of mine. She thought one would be perfect for such a sunny day because it was still quite cold. Thing is they were a gift from Wool needed for Rescues a long time ago when I lost all my fur from the steroids I had to take. It was before my kidney issues and so I was quite a bit bigger. It doesn’t really fit very well now and was hanging down almost to the floor. I shall give it to The Dogs Trust for one of the dogs they rescue. Nix will need to wash it because it got very muddy. Apparently it reminded Nix of when she was a child and her mother knitted the entire family their swimming gear. Nix had a red swimsuit with a yellow duck on the front. Her dad apparently had a pair of navy blue trunks which looked very smart until he went into the sea. When he came out the wool had stretched and they were right down to his ankles. Thankfully they were belted at the waist so there were no arrests. 

This afternoon we went for a walk to the Benfield Valley. Sounds very exciting but it’s actually just at the back of Sainsbury’s car park… I do expect more really 🙄


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