My Bed Went To Church Today…I Liked It πŸ™‚


So Nix tells me that a few of my fans are a bit worried about me showing off my bottom when it’s windy. I must impress that it’s not my bottom that is windy you understand, just the weather 🫒 Now the thing is I can’t put my back legs through the elastic on my coat because of my arthritis and because of my not having a ball joint in one of my hips. I must say Nix has tried her best with press studs and Velcro but none of them seem to work. My bottom is only exposed when I turn my back on the wind which I try not to do too often. We walk from west to east and our wind usually blows off the sea which is south hence no exposed bottoms. Having said all this I know how much you all worry about me so I have asked Nix to buy me another coat especially for wet and windy days. I shall include a photo at the end and you must tell me what you think…it’s waterproof and will be very easy for me to get on. It has two leg holes which I can just stand on and Nix can lift the jacket up and then guess what…it zips all the way up my back. It’s also got a little halter attached to it but Nix says we won’t use that until the BCJ has moved far away. They are still there at the moment but I think they must be going soon. Oh yes the coat comes in lots of different sizes so Nix is going to measure me later. 

This morning we took my donut bed to church. I really loved having it and I went to sleep very quickly and I didn’t even wake up when they sang happy birthday to Jane our vicar’s father Norman. He is 98 and he still rides his bicycle, he’s amazing. 

We’ve just had a quick walk down by the river but it was very miserable and rainy. It was also very muddy with lots of flooding. Nix went to pick up my poo and nearly got a slug as well…she was freaking out πŸ™„ On the way home she bought something very weird for her lunch, a pretend duck wrap. It smelled pretty good to me so she gave me a piece of the pretend duck and it was very nice, I ate it all πŸ˜‹

Best news, we made over £2200 at the Christmas Fayre so we’re all very pleased with that.


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