I’ve Got a New Coat Arriving, a Red One 🙂

 Guess what…I love the kibble that was delivered, it’s a special one for my kidney disease. Nix is talking about a double edged sword whatever that means. Something to do with the fact that she hates kibble but is happy I’m eating…a lot 😋 She tried me with one and I spat it out. She gave me another which I ate and it was rather nice 😋 She put a small bowlful down and I ate it all and then went and ate some of my turkey mince food that Nix cooks. So this is the first week the Sainsbury’s van didn’t bring any turkey mince…Nix says we have enough in my freezer to last for ever 🙂 I’ll probably have a bit of each now and Nix says I can try it mixed together too 😋

I have a new red coat on the way so I am very excited about that. Apparently I can stand on the leg holes and then Nix just pulls it up and it zips down my back. It might be a teeny bit short but Nix checked and it’s the right size for me. It’s got a harness attached to it so you never know, once the BCJ has departed I might get to use that. Nix says it might not be strong enough if I kick off though 🫢

We have just come back from having tea next door with Indie. Nix and Jackie had tea and lemon cake, I had to make do with an old bone that Indie had discarded. I rather liked having the carpet to sleep on and apparently it was quite difficult to wake me up. 

I know when Nix mentioned that she doesn’t like me to have kibble lots of people wanted to know why. Well the reason is that it is cooked at very high temperatures which removes all the goody goodies so they then have to put all the goody goodies back in but they are only pretend ones and they can make you poorly. I wouldn’t mind but Nix would live on McDonalds filet of fish if she had her way. She can’t go near our McDonalds because she knows if she has one she’ll be there every day which definitely would not be good for her 🤣 We know lots of dogs who eat kibble and they do very well on it and this kibble is especially for my kidney disease so it looks like Nix might not have to cook my turkey mince any longer. I’ll still get the custard cream balls though 🙂

PS Nix has had an email which she thinks is a scam thingy but just in case it is genuine she thought she’d ask on here. It’s from UPS and the sender is Patricia Garniel. Don’t worry Nix hasn’t clicked on anything or given away any details.

PPS Nix is pretty useless at selfies…


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