I’m Being Measured For a New Coat…

 It wasn’t meant to rain this morning but when we were halfway along the beach, the heavens opened. I was okay, I had my waterproof coat on but Nix had gone for her duvet coat which is warmer but not waterproof. Oh boy did we get wet but especially Nix. Her jeans were soaked as were her jacket and gloves. When we got home we took all our wet clothes off and Nix had to put the heating on to dry them. I had run out of dry coats so I went out a bit later in Judith’s jumper. It’s meant more for inside I think because it got a bit muddy somehow and now it’s in the wash. Sorry Judith, I shall only wear it indoors in future ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been measured for my new coat and measured again…and again…and again ๐Ÿ™„ Apparently the problem is I am very slim but also very long. If we get the one that fits my slim body it probably won’t be long enough. That’s no good really because then I’ll have a cold bottom all the time rather than only when the wind blows. Nix was going to get the larger size but now she thinks it will be too big round my neck. Apparently though Nix can send the measurements to the company and they will recommend the best size but Nix doesn’t think we will get one that will fit well. If we do it will be a red one ๐Ÿ™‚ Stay tuned… ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of my very slim body (Nix is jealous) Bron my vet is worried that I don’t eat very well and I am losing too much weight. Nix has tried just about everything and the only thing I really like are treats. Although Nix said she would never feed me kibble she and Bron decided it was worth trying the special kidney diet version. It arrived this morning and Nix gave me one piece and I spat it out. She tried again and I ate it and then she gave me quite a few more and I ate them. Bron had said I could have a bowl down so I could graze so she put some in a bowl and when she went to the loo I ate them all. Nix is very happy that I am eating but not so happy it’s kibble but she says as long as I like it I can have it. Bowls of water have suddenly appeared in all rooms because apparently it’s important that I drink plenty.

We haven’t really done anything today though we did go to meet Tracy. There was hair stuff going on so I slept most of the morning. Tracy was mum to Tinker her Jack Russell who went to the bridge recently. I told you about her, she was only eight but she had bad cancer.  Nix and Tracy were looking at photos of her, she was very pretty ๐Ÿ˜ช


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