Rita Came For Coffee…

As you know I have to go out for a walk now about 10pm at night. To be honest I’m not that keen but if I don’t go I’ll have to wear one of the belly bands at night and I’m saving them for a special occasion. Nix isn’t really that keen to go out late either but she says if she just lets me in the garden I don’t do a wee, I only dig the garden up. It’s a lose lose situation pour moi so in the end I usually give in 🤔

I’ve been wearing my coat at all times and taking my paracetamol and I am feeling much calmer. Nix is taking my bed with her to church now so I can be warm and comfortable there too. 

This morning was rather nice, it didn’t rain but I still wore my coat to stay warm. We hadn’t been home long when Rita came round for a cup of coffee. Nix knows Rita from church and they both like the same sort of music. Nix decided it would be a really good idea to play something that they both like. Now she’s discovered she can get YouTube on the big TV there is no stopping her. She found one of their favourite songs by Matt Redman which had been recorded at Times Square in New York and put it on very loud. As soon as it started they both jumped up and started singing and dancing 🫢 Can I just say that I have friends who walk past our house, I have no idea what they must have thought 🙄 Nix said she’s been to Times Square  before I came to live with her and she really wishes she’d been there for that concert. I think there comes a time in life where you really need to calm down a bit and I feel Nix has reached that point…someone might like to have a word with her 😉



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