Shoreham Airport Today πŸ™‚

 It’s been a funny old couple of days. It started with Nix waking up in the middle of the night a couple of nights ago. She said there was a really strong smell, it was a really unpleasant sweet smell. The smell remained all the next day but Nix couldn’t trace it. She went to bed last night and when she woke up this morning the smell had gone completely. We may never know πŸ™‚

No dead fish on the beach this morning but I did find an old bone on the street and carried it almost all the way home. Nix managed to trick me at the last minute by grabbing it when I stopped to eat some grassπŸ˜•

We’ve been to the river this afternoon and then to the airport cafΓ© for a cup of tea. We like to watch the planes taking off and landing. Sometimes they only pretend to land and then take off again…it’s called touch and go and it’s practise for them. When Nix saw it for the first time she thought the pilot was in trouble and couldn’t land the plane…she was about to call air traffic control 🀣🀣🀣 We met a very pretty dog today called Layla but she didn’t like the noise that the bird scarer made and she was really barking but I calmed her down. 

I’m still laughing about this morning. You know how Nix hates it when young people say, “Oh bless you…” for no apparent reason other than she’s old. Well when Nix mentioned to a very nice young couple on the boardwalk this morning that she hadn’t seen them as the sun was in her eyes the young man looked at her and said, “Oh bless you…” She was not remotely amused by this and whilst I’m on the ‘bless you’ subject might I suggest to anyone who thinks it’s funny to put ‘bless you’ in the comments section…don’t. The last person to do it is still licking his wounds 🀣🀣🀣

The very first donut bed I ever had was a gift from Judith and Ness Keweb. She didn’t know what she was starting, I now have one either side of Nix’s bed, one in the spare room and Judith’s one in the lounge where it matches the sofa πŸ™‚


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