New Donut Bed Arrived πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

 I had a very bad night last night and so therefore did Nix. First of all she couldn’t get to sleep and then just as she was dropping off the skies lit up and they were very very noisy. She didn’t hear them but she did hear me trying to dig up the bathroom floor. I was brought back into the bedroom and the bathroom door was closed πŸ˜• It wasn’t long before the skies lit up again and this time I headed for the kitchen. I’m not sure why I have to dig when the skies light up, it just makes me feel better. Anyway this time I had to go on my long lead and Nix goes back to bed with the lead wrapped round her hand so she will wake up if I head off to start digging again. I headed off another couple of times but by then it was almost light anyway and the bright skies had gone away.

Nix eventually got up and we went down to the beach but it did rain quite a lot and we got very wet. We decided not to go to church as we were both soaked and so we watched the live stream on Facebook. We also missed coffee afterwards as we were still soaked through, it might help if Nix put the heating on πŸ™„ We drove over to Hove so I could get a walk in Hove Park where there are no burrs and then we called in at Pets at Home so Nix could look for something I might like to eat as I’m not really eating the turkey mince any longer. While Nix was looking at the food I spotted a donut toy which I very smartly grabbed off the shelf. Nix said she would have put it back but one of my teeth must have bled a bit and so Nix had to buy it. I said hello to the rabbits on the way out and then went for my treat at the checkout. After that we came home to wait for my donut bed to arrive…that’s two donuts in one day 🀣

I didn’t like the food Nix bought for me, chicken and turkey casserole, it was disgusting πŸ˜•

Donut bed update…it’s arrived and I love it ☺️


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