Meditation and Mill Hill Today 🙂

 We put the clocks back this weekend and Nix got confused and thought it would be dark when we go to church on a Friday morning. We have a walk on the beach first and she was insisting I would have to wear my flashing collar if I wanted to go off the lead. She says it’s hard enough to keep her eye on me when it’s daylight so the flashing collar is non negotiable 😕 I don’t like it, it’s embarrassing but seeing as how it won’t actually be dark I shan’t need to worry 🤣

I thought you might like to know that I haven’t leaked at all overnight since I have gone out for an extra walk at 10pm. I still wear a belly band though just to be on the safe side. I do seven wees on the way round the block and Nix is always impressed that it is exactly the same amount each time we go. I think Nix is enjoying the late night walks because she can do her star gazing. Last night she saw three planets and her favourite constellation. Sometimes we watch the International Space Station go over and Nix always waves because there are people on it. They can’t see us of course because it’s a bit too far away. She says she’d like to go on it which is very strange considering she won’t even climb the loft ladder because it’s ‘too high’ 🎉🎉🎉 She’s desperate to get a telescope so she can get a closer look at the night sky. I’d quite like that as I could sit in the garden while she watches the sky and keep an eye out for the intruder. 

This afternoon we have been to Mill Hill. It was going to be very windy there so Nix took her hat because her hair annoys her when the wind blows…we can just add that to the list of all the other things that annoy her 🤣

Nix is getting her booster vaccination tomorrow so I shall stay on my own. She won’t be gone for long and I’ll probably stay asleep 😴


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