The Summerhouse is Sanded and Ready for Nix to Paint…

 This morning the summerhouse got sanded down in preparation for Nix to paint it. Thereby lies another drama because she’s now decided she doesn’t like this colour either. We are closer to what she actually wants and she feels that just one more look at the colour chart and she’ll have it off perfectly. She thinks this one is a bit too powder blue and she wants it to look more seasidy so a slight touch of grey. She said her arm ached after just paining the bit in the photo so I can see this taking a long time 🙄

We wanted to tell you about Nathan who came to sand the summerhouse. We haven’t met him before but Nix thought he was a very charming young man. He told Nix that he and his girlfriend have lost three babies and they were really desperate to have a child of their own. All of the babies had names because they were not too far off being born and so they had to have three funerals too. Nix said she wanted to cry but he was such an upbeat young man she tried to stay strong. Nix thought about it and decided she’d tell him that she was going to pray for him and his girlfriend Sophie to have a baby. He was really pleased and said, “Yes please…” We’re hoping that those of you that do pray will pray for them also, thank you.

I was very good while the summerhouse was being sanded. Well when I say very good I suppose what I mean by that is I only dug one hole when Nix wasn’t looking. It’s not my fault if she’s cut back all the big plants so there was easy access to the back of the summerhouse…it was just too easy 🙂

After Nathan had finished we went to Buckingham Park and had a lovely leisurely walk because it was quite warm. The tap is still broken so we headed down to the café and I had a drink there before trying to help myself to someone’s breakfast.  Nix didn’t have anything, said she was too embarrassed and just wanted to get away 🤣

This afternoon we have been for tea with Jackie next door. I like it there because there are lots of toys to play with and the odd pine cone which apparently I’m not meant to have. The main subject of the afternoon for some reason was hairdressers, all a bit boring really so Indie and I both went to sleep.


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