I’ve Done a Lot of Sleeping Today 🙂


I have three beds as you know and I have slept in all of them today. I’ve also slept on Nix‘s bed with the help of my new footstool and I’ve also slept on the bed in the spare room. As you can tell there’s been a lot of sleeping going on today on my part and not a lot of walking which frankly isn’t really good enough.

This morning we had a quick walk on the Rec as we had to pick Nix’s friend Lizzie up from the station. We bumped into my friend Gracie who comes to meditation and Nix wanted to get a photo of us together. She kept calling me and trying to get my attention but I had a feeling there was something quite interesting in the undergrowth. I had my head stuck in there for ages trying to ignore Nix calling me and suddenly I found it, a broken ball. I’m not really interested in balls but I do like broken balls. In the end Nix took the photo of Gracie and Jane and a random photo bombing Cockerpoo 🙂 Then we stopped off to pick up some lunch for Nix and Lizzie and Nix decided to go mad and treated herself to breakfast. 

The saga of the Summerhouse continues and it’s all getting just a bit boring now. As you know we had two trips to B&Q yesterday to look for the right colour of white paint for the windows and the doors. She chose Ammonite, brought it home and now she’s decided she doesn’t like it. She’s decided she does like the purple colour that’s already on there and so that’s the colour the windows and the doors are going to be. We now have to go back to B&Q to take back the paint that we don’t like and bring back the new paint and then hopefully that will be the last time that I ever have to go there. I think the purple will look nice on the doors and windows and it will still remind us of Jill and Violet 💜

Tomorrow we have meditation and croissants in the morning and then we’re off to the vets so I can get my platelets checked. I actually ran across the Rec this morning so Nix says there can’t be a lot wrong with me. I don’t want to go back on the steroids because they made me very tired last time and I was much younger then. They also made me wee a lot, usually at inappropriate times and it took almost a year before I was finally weaned off them. I have a feeling I’m probably going to be alright 🙂


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