Busy, Busy, Busy Day…I Have Now Gone to Bed 🥱

 I have been busy, busy, busy... but not necessarily in a good way.

First of all I got woken up at 5:30am so Nix could go out into the garden and look for planets. Apparently they were going to be four all in a line which doesn’t happen very often. I wouldn’t mind but you can’t actually see anything, they just look like stars 🙄 Anyway they were too low in the sky to see over the houses so we then had to get ready and get out to the beach so we could look for them over the sea. Guess what, when we got there there were too many clouds so she couldn’t see them anyway. We finished our walk as we were there anyway and then went home.

I am of course used to quite a long nap when we get home from our walks. It was rather annoying to be woken half an hour after we got back so we could set out again for meditation in the church. I slept through all of that and I almost slept through the croissants afterwards…but not quite 😋

After meditation I thought at last I can get a decent sleep but oh no. I’d only been asleep for about an hour when I was woken again because we then had to set out for the vets. I had to have more blood taken today so that I could have my platelets checked to make sure I wasn’t getting the autoimmune disease again. Bron my vet will ring with the results on Sunday. I did get a short wander round Hove Park for the poo break 🙂

We were driving home and I was just having a really nice sleep in the back of the car when suddenly we stopped again. Oh no, it’s the decorating place. As you know Nix has changed her mind about the paint colour so she had to go in and look at all the colours again and choose a new one. The chap in there didn’t trust her to make the right decision so he’s given her a small pot to bring home and paint on the summer house so she can check if it’s right. She’s already doubting herself 🙄

Finally, finally we have come home, I’ve had my dinner and I’ve gone to bed and I don’t intend to move from here come what may.

I got weighed at the vets and I’ve gone up from 18.65 kg to 19 kg so Nix is very pleased about that.


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