We’ve Been Back to Hove…

 Nix has been very annoying just lately. First of all she loses the thingy that goes with the smart meter. It’s the thing that tells you how much energy you’ve used and it plugs into the wall. How can anyone lose something that plugs into the wall. She’s been searching high and low huffing and puffing and then just as she was about to order a new one she found it. Don’t even ask where it was because it was in exactly the same place it had always been, still plugged into the wall but had fallen flat on its face and ‘looked different’ I do give up sometimes.  

Next we have her decision to be more tidy. This is because a neighbour called unexpectedly and the place looked like a tip. It always looks like a tip but Nix tidies up before visitors arrive. So she decided to start in the morning with the making of the bed and most importantly the laying out of the t shirt she wears in bed instead of just shoving it under the pillows. Instead she draped it over the pillows which was very nice until she went in there in the dark to switch the lights on and though she could see a wild animal on the bed. She said it frightened the wits out of her but it was only moi. You see when I was first very sick F Renee Mayo-Ellis made some t shirts with moi on them and Nix likes to wear hers in bed. I expect that’s so she can feel really close to me when she’s sleeping. 

We’ve been back to Hove today for a change. Remember last time I ran into the café on my own and I was thrown out. Well I learned my lesson this time plus Nix put me on the lead and I got my sausage when we got inside and also a nice lady gave me some of her chips . Nix had a veggie sausage bap but I shan’t be showing photos because we all know what happens when Nix posts photos of food, let’s not forget triflegate.  Last time Nix had something in a bap there was a huge discussion on what consisted of a bap and it seems it depends where you live and anyway I felt it detracted away from moi. 

My flush is booked in for a week on Friday. Bron my vet thinks I might have a urinary infection because Nix told her I’ve been acting a bit strange and smell of wee... the cheek of it. Well two can play at that game…watch this space 😇


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