New Park Today in Worthing…

 We headed west down the beach this morning and the BCJ has only ever been spotted once down there so I was allowed my freedom. I ran all the way along the boardwalk and ‘did the poopies’ into a sea kale. By the time Nix caught up it had long since ‘disappeared’ under the leaves and try as she might she could not find it. That’s probably because I didn’t actually do it there,  it was one of my faux poos 😇 One of the other dog walkers had to tell her I was actually doing it over by the beach huts. The boardwalk finishes there so Nix wasn’t happy having to ‘gallop’ over the pebbles so she could spot exactly where it was. All ablutions finished we continues to head west along the beach. There were no dogs down there, Nix said this is because most sensible dog owners with dogs who actually behave themselves choose to go east and use the boardwalk. Nix is not an owner with a well behaved dog so west it was. No cafes down there though, I didn’t mind but Nix missed her cup of tea. 

I had a good sleep when we got back as the Sainsbury’s van was due to arrive with extra turkey mince so Nix can top the freezer up. I’m eating so well at the moment that Nix didn’t buy quite enough last week. I did pick her up on this but apparently she’s not a mind reader 🙂

This afternoon we decided to find somewhere new to visit as we were both a bit bored. Nix found quite a large park on the map which was right behind Worthing hospital. I really liked it there, there were loads of squirrels to chase and there were also lots of dogs to make friends with. I apparently got a bit too friendly with one of them so I was given my first verbal warning…for that park 😇

Nix was telling anyone who would listen that I had put her in that hospital which isn’t entirely true and definitely was not my fault. It was years ago and we were walking home and two dogs on the other side of the road had a go at me. I lunged and Nix being Nix fell flat on her face and broke her glasses. The owner of the dogs insisted on escorting Nix home and also insisted on calling an ambulance because she’d banged her head. The ambulance finally arrived and they took Nix’s blood pressure which was very high. This had nothing to do with her falling over, more to do with the fact she doesn’t like doctors. They said they could wait half hour to see if it went down but if not they had to take her to hospital. It didn’t go down so off they went in the ambulance and she was escorted into some kind of cubicle.  Everyone was very nice and brought her tea and sandwiches while she waited for the doctor. She was almost asleep when the doctor finally came round and of course her blood pressure was normal. All a fuss about nothing if you ask me though I dare say Nix will be digging a photo of her injuries out. 

I’m looking forward to Thursday as we’re meeting Indie our neighbour for a walk 🙂


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