How Long Can it Take to Buy a Reusable Water Bottle 🙄

Most of the morning has been taken up with Nix trying to buy a reusable water bottle. I mean how difficult can that be? Well it would seem in Nix‘s case, very difficult indeed. It has to be the right size, made out of the right material and most important of all have a screwtop. It also of course has to be a colour that she likes and one that she will be able to see in the dark. This is all because of an accident the other night where she tipped an entire glass of water all over the bed in the dark. I think she fell asleep with it in her hand but she insists that’s not true. How a full glass of water got as far as the bed before it was tipped over we shall never know but suffice it to say it went through the duvet, the bottom sheet, the mattress cover, the topper but thankfully didnt quite make it to the mattress. So everything has had to be taken off the bed and hung all over the place to dry, it looks like a laundry in here. Latest news, she has bought a bottle and after all the fuss about the colour, when a friend asked which colour she’d bought, she couldn’t remember 🙄

The weather is quite bad here but not too bad. Not bad enough anyway to be laying in bed until very late looking for water bottles. We did finally make it to the beach but it was apparently freeeeeezing 🙄 I didn’t notice it myself, my own coat is still nice and warm even though it’s quite short. I have my new fleece coat for when it actually gets really cold. Nix finally attached the Velcro so I don’t have to lift my legs and it seems to work very well, I am quite impressed. 

My freezer is full now so Nix says she can relax and not have to cook so much turkey mince each week. I think it gives her something to do and keeps her occupied but she said she prefers to sit down and watch telly. Thing is once she sits there and starts watching something it’s difficult to get her out again so I have to ration the watching of the television. I was quite impressed yesterday as she fixed the fairy lights outside that had stopped working. They need the sun and we haven’t had any so she brought them in and plugged them in and now they work again. She likes to walk round the bungalow saying, “Who needs a man?” 🤣🤣🤣

This afternoon we have been to Buckingham Park but it was really cold there. The wind was blowing and Nix didn’t want to take any photos because her hands get too cold. She’s got these special gloves that allow her to take photos without taking the gloves off but she can’t get them to work properly. I did manage to get her to risk the elements and take just a couple of moi, one with some wood and one on a bench. We met one of our friends from the beach while we were there but I’m sorry I can’t remember his name or what model he is just in case you were wondering.


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