Rained all Day but This Afternoon we has Tea at Jackie’s

 Guess what… we woke up to a dry duvet this morning. Nix was very pleased but it was of course as I’ve been saying all along, never my fault. If Nix had remembered to give me my medication then there wouldn’t have been the accident and she wouldn’t have had to trek over to Hove to put the duvet in to be cleaned. This was an expensive mistake which I feel she won’t be making again. Did I tell you that when we went into the cafe in Hove park it looked really pretty as they had candles everywhere. They had pumpkins too and were obviously preparing for the Halloween thingy. Nix asked them if they’d had a power cut, she doesn’t like Halloween 🙄

It’s been very wet and very windy today so I have chosen a selection of photos of my tail in the wind, I hope you like them. I have not been off my lead once because we’ve only been going round the block when the rain has stopped. I need my freedom so things better pick up tomorrow. Nix says it’s unlikely as the weather looks even worse for the weekend. Can someone report this please to the appropriate authorities for Beardie freedom. 

This afternoon we have been to Jackie’s for tea. I always get a bit worried when I see Jackie because she does sometimes looks after me when Nix needs to go out for longer than an hour. I do love Jackie a lot but I do also panic a bit when I see her because I think Nix might be leaving me. I did fall asleep eventually because I do like going there 😇


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