It’s Booster Vaccination Day, I Have to Stay Home 😕
It’s been raining a lot today but we still had to go out in it. We did get very wet but that’s okay, Nix said it made my smelly tummy nice and clean. I did have to stay on my lead though…just in case 😇
After lunch the rain stopped and the sun came out. Nix said we could head west down the beach, away from the BCJ and I could be set free. As soon as we got there I was very keen to get off my lead. I’d spotted a lurcher way ahead and you know I am very keen on them. The second Nix released me I was off. At first Nix just thought it was excitement at being free but when I ignored her calls to come back and then barged through the family in front of me she said she got worried. She couldn’t see me any longer but she could hear the screams from the family. Nix thought they did sound like they were laughing but couldn’t be sure so she had to speed up. By the time she reached us, I was already humping the Lurcher. Thankfully the family especially the children seemed to think it was very funny, the children told Nix I was crying.
Anyway Nix apologised profusely and I was put on my lead and there I stayed for the rest of the walk. I couldn’t seem to let it go though, as Nix tried to walk me down the beach I kept looking over my shoulder and that made the children laugh even more, they thought I was very funny.
Soon we are heading into town to buy a bunch of flowers for our friend Sally. She is driving Nix to get her booster jab this evening. Nix suddenly realised the other day that it would be dark when she went so she wouldn’t be able to drive. It’s very important that she gets it done so that she will stay safe to look after me so thank you Sally very much 😇
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