A Visit from Carolyn and Keith…


I’ve had a bit if a lazy day today because Nix had visitors, Carolyn and Keith. I like Keith because he helped Nix to make the new table smaller so I have even more room for my bed now. Nix still has plenty of room to eat with her friends when they visit and I can fit my box of toys in too. Nix wanted a photo of me in my bed but I was too busy guarding the front door should she try to escape without me. I was bribed in the end so I did go in but refused to face the right way.

My head is hurting a bit because I did bang it on a campervan this morning. Nix said if I’d been watching where I was going instead of paying too much attention to Otto the black Labrador then the accident would never have happened. Nix says I have to stop looking across the road and walking at the same time otherwise there will be more accidents. It only hurts a bit 😇

This afternoon after Carolyn and my best friend Keith went home we went to Buckingham park. There was a bit of an incident with a black Labrador. Apparently I flung myself at him and nearly knocked him over. Nix told me, “NO!” which of course I didn’t quite hear so I continued with my quest. In the end I was manhandled off and put on my lead 😕 Nix wasn’t in the best of moods when we left the park and it didn’t help when I walked in front of her and nearly had her over. I’m laying low for a bit now until her mood improves 😇

I met a very sweet little dog with a funny ear…


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