Oops, Guess Who We Bumped Into This Morning 😱

 The day has not started well, what can I say, it definitely wasn’t my fault. We were on our way back along the beach this morning when I was suddenly confronted with the brown curly job. I must be losing my touch because I usually know he’s around from a long way off. We had a really bad scrap which of course I got the blame for even though it wasn’t my fault. Neither of us got bitten so I really don’t know what all the fuss is about but suffice it to say that Nix took it really badly. She said she’s getting too old for all this and that I’d made her shake. I feel a bit bad because when we got home she cried a bit. I tried to comfort her but she’s didn’t want to know. She went off to get her photo taken for her bus pass and apparently she looks like an axe murderer.  She’s in an even worse mood now…actually she does look like an axe murderer 🤣

From what I can make out the trip to Tesco didn’t go much better. She asked a member of staff if they had frozen croissants and she said yes they did. Nix then asked where she might find them and the woman said, “In the frozen dept…”  I think she got off very lightly considering Nix’s mood and thinking about that photograph 🤣

I have been for a walk this afternoon and Jackie from next door came too. I had to stay on my lead for the whole walk and Nix says it’s unlikely I’ll be let off again in the very near future. She said that last time… 😉


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