Lemon Drizzle at Trish and Geoff’s

 We went out at 6am for our first walk this morning. This was Nix’s fault because she woke me up with her coughing. She said she was dreaming that she was in a really important meeting and she got a tickly throat and couldn’t stop coughing. Then she woke up and realised she did have a really tickly throat and really was coughing. As you know I do not like it when she coughs especially if it wakes me up. It does not scare me as Nix tries to make out, it’s just annoying. Anyway once I was awake I wanted to go to the toilet so Nix let me out in the garden and went back to bed. I found my way into the undergrowth and had a good old dig. That was funny because Nix couldn’t shout at me at that time in the morning and she couldn’t come out because she’d put her dressing gown in the wash so she tried hissing at me. I did come in finally but then I went into the shower and started to dig up her expensive slip proof shower tray. Honestly she’s got quite a sharp tongue on her when she wants. Anyway in the end she felt it was better just to take me out so I got a lovely early walk to do my poopies in the churchyard 🙂

A bit later on we were invited to Trish and Geoff’s house for tea and lemon drizzle cake. They have a dog called Bess and I really liked her but I pretended I didn’t because she’s a bit bossy and told me off when I got too close to Trish. I know she didn’t mean it but I thought I’d play hard to get this time and went to sleep instead…I think I won her over 🙂 Sheila and Edgar were there too and everyone was very nice to me, I enjoyed myself. Nix embarrassed herself by choking on the lemon drizzle cake. She went to breathe in and nothing happened, she said it was quite scary, I thought it was quite funny 🤣


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