Honey Came for Tea

 Last night was not good, the skies were very noisy and I didn’t like it, I was very scared 😕 The thing is I used to shake in a corner when the skies made the horrible noises but now I try to dig the floor up. I don’t know why I do it but Nix gets very fed up. She says I am ruining her floors but what can I do, I need to do it, it makes me feel better. Eventually Nix put my collar and lead on and bribed me onto the bed with treats and then she wouldn’t let me get down again. I had no option but to land on top of her for comfort which made her scream…a lot. I think she was laughing but I’m not sure. I have a special thunder shirt for these occasions but Nix couldn’t remember where she’d put it…typical. Eventually things quietened down and we fell asleep together. I think it might have been quite late because Nix didn’t wake up this morning for our dog walk and we were very late.

This afternoon we have a visit from Honey the Cavapoo. After we’ve had tea and biscuits we are going for a walk together. I’ll try and post a photo of her before Nix sends this post. As we haven’t done much today I thought you might like to see a video of me from six years ago. It was before I got all my sicknesses and I was younger and a bit more boisterous. We were in the dog cafe…I nearly got thrown out for being so noisy. Nix says I was the equivalent of a very loud drunk person…I think that sounds like a good thing 🤣

PS Nix forgot to take photos of Honey…I went to bed anyway 🤣


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