The Continuing Exasperation at the Clearing of the Throat

 So where shall I start... I think my continuing exasperation at the clearing of the throat early in the morning when I am trying to sleep. I thought jumping off the bed and sitting in the garden glaring might do the trick but oh no...Nix continues to do’s very annoying!

We have had a very busy day today but might I add there has been no ice cream. Nix says it’s too cold for ice cream and I should be happy with my turkey mince...well I’m not, I wanted an ice cream. I’m about to message My friends Spud and Loki as we are meeting them on Sunday for a walk and I’m sure they get ice cream so Nix will be put to shame 🤣

I sank into a sink hole on the beach this morning, three of my legs got caught. I wasn’t bothered, Nix nearly had a heart attack.  There were horses too and Bear had to go on the lead because he chases them...I do not and everyone was commenting on how well behaved I was 🙂

We’ve been to the river this afternoon. Nix got very excited about spotting ‘two big black birds’ she’d never seen before. She managed to get a photograph of ‘them’ and this is the woman who drives me around 😱

This afternoon we’ve been to visit Jackie and Peter next door. Nix had lemon drizzle cake...I didn’t 😕


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