Five Walks Today...Potentially 👏

 I’ve had three walks today already and it’s only just gone lunchtime. That’s mainly because Nix needed to renew her driving licence and when she tried to do it on the website thingy it didn’t like her. She found out that there was a post office where they would do everything for you even taking the photograph. We drove all the way there and when we got there the man looked at Nix and asked her if she was applying to renew an over 70 licence.  When Nix said she was he said she didn’t need the photo and could just put the form in the post.  I didn’t mind, got a lovely long drive and stopped off for doughnuts too 🙂

This afternoon Nix has planted her sweet peas but the kneeling didn’t do her knees any good she says so she was a bit stiff when we went to the park. We did have an okay walk there but there weren’t many potential friends to meet, it was a bit quiet. Her knees are okay now so I’m expecting another two walks before I go to bed and that will be five...that’s a record 👏 

Nix left one of her prawn toasts on the coffee table and I ate it while she was planting the sweet peas. When she came in and saw it wasn’t there she thought she’d eaten it 🤣🤣🤣


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