Bess Came to Visit Today...I Let Her Play With all my Toys 🙂

 It’s very sunny today but it’s very cold too. I had a visit from Bess who belongs to Nix’s friend Trish. It’s the first time I’ve met Bess and she is very nice. She came from the Dogs Trust when she was a puppy. I thought she was very well behaved though she did try to steal my toys though I didn’t mind...much 🙂

After they left we went to the river and it was much warmer. The coffee van wasn’t there though just like the lemon drizzle wasn’t there yesterday. It’s not good enough humans, it’s only a bit cold, Nix needed her hot chocolate to keep her warm. 

Tomorrow our friend Jeannie is coming from London to visit and we are meeting at Southwick Hill. On Wednesday Beth is coming down from London too. On Thursday we are going next door to see our neighbours Jackie and Peter. I love Jackie because she sat with me one evening when Nix had to go out and we also had Christmas lunch there which was very nice too. On Friday we are going to Southwick Hill again with my friend Honey...she’s a Cavapoo. 

So a very busy week, Nix says normality is returning 🙂


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