Vaccination Day

 Well apparently I am completely back to normal today, well as normal as I ever get says Nix. I think I gave her a bit of a scare yesterday because I really didn’t feel very well at all...I was very sick. I woke up this morning feeling much better and even ate my breakfast.  

We went for a walk round the block at lunchtime instead of our usual walk because Nix was going to get her vaccination and she didn’t want to be late. Well she wasn’t late was she, she got there one hour early and they weren’t open. She said it was my fault, she was so worried about leaving me apparently that she wasn’t concentrating properly...does she ever 🙄  She decided to drive back to sit with me for an hour and then go back but she got stuck in traffic and had to go back to the hospital anyway. They were very nice and let her go in straight away. I wasn’t left alone for very long and I was very good...don’t know what all the fuss is about really. 

Best bit of the story is that the doctor asked Nix a few questions before they gave her the vaccination. One of them was if she’d every taken part in a vaccination trial. Now Nix completely misheard because her hearing is as bad as her eyesight and she thought he was asking her if she was happy to take part in a vaccination trial 🤣🤣🤣  Apparently she jumped up and said she didn’t want to take part in a trial and thought she was getting a proper vaccination not a trial one... I’m so glad I wasn’t there 🤣🤣🤣

Nix is home now so we’ve had a little meander down the beach and yet again I was mistaken for an Old English Sheepdog. What I’d like to know is if anyone has ever seen an Old English Sheepdog actually herding any sheep! 

I’m very excited because we might have some snow tomorrow 👏👏👏


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