No Vaccination Letter 😕

 We are without iPad, this is not good. Nix’s eyes don’t work very well at the best of times but watching her trying to type on the phone is exhausting, so much so I think I might have to have a lie down. 

It’s been raining all day and it’s very windy so we haven’t been for a proper walk. I saw the fox in someone’s garden and that was the most exciting thing to have happened apart from my turkey mince arriving. Nix got extra rations this week because she’s been having to use some from my freezer. This is because since I’ve been off my antibiotics I have been eating lots more.  I eat at least 1000gms every day which Nix says is twice as much as I should have but what can I say, I love my turkey mince with veg and pasta. I still weigh the same as I did when I was a healthy young Beardie...some of us can eat as much as we like without gaining weight...some of us can’t 🤣🤣🤣 Oh yes I also took delivery of my ‘Wild Salmon Oil from Alaska’ which I have with my breakfast but there has been no iPad delivery. 🤭

Nix is still waiting for the letter to tell her she can have the vaccination but that didn’t arrive either. Some of her older friends have already had it and Nix can’t wait. We’re both a bit bored not being able to go out and have our breakfast and meet with our friends. Nix said she was really glad she had me during this virus thingy, I’m glad she did too.


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