Boring Sunday Today

 So a lazy day today and Nix and I are taking it easy. We had a restless night with Nix being too cold. She put the electric blanket on and then her legs were too hot but she was still cold.  No chance of me getting any sleep either with her tossing and turning and plumping up the pillows.  In the end I got off the bed and had a good old dig in the toilet. That didn’t go down too well so in the end I took myself off to the spare room for a bit of peace. Nix thinks it was a vaccine reaction but actually it was just because she doesn’t have a proper winter duvet on the bed and it was very cold last night. 

This morning we went on our usual beach walk and it was still very cold. The sky was very angry and I was a bit angry too because I was promised snow and all I got was rain. I did however smell a tasty fish right down the beach and by the time Nix got to me I’d eaten a lot of it. She really told me off because I’d been so sick the other day. Anyway we’re home now and Nix has been falling asleep all over the place so I’ve give up and gone to bed. Tomorrow is going to be very sunny so I expect we’ll have lots of photos to show you but for today there’s just the one of moi with my fish and the angry sky. 


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