My Turkey Mince Arrived, Nix’s Sprouts didn’t 🤭

 So my turkey mince arrived last night in the dark. Nix left it a bit late to book the slot so we had to wait all day for it. I heard the van outside, I have excellent hearing. Nix says it’s a pity I don’t use it when I’m being summoned. She was a bit annoyed because lots of her stuff was missing. Apparently all the mad humans have emptied the store again and Nix was not happy...there were no sprouts!!! 

The virus thingy has got really bad again and where we live has got a lot worse. This means we might not be able to go so far soon so today we had a lovely walk once it had stopped raining. I got to visit the beach and the lagoon but I have to be very careful on the path because we share it with the idiot cyclists. I don’t think that’s what they’re really called but it’s what Nix calls them. She says it doesn’t help that I am incapable of walking in a straight line and why do I have  to  weave from side to side. Well I just like to keep the cyclists on their toes 🤣

Nix got a form this morning to go and get her blood tested. Honestly you’d think they were going to take a pint. I notice she’s happy enough to take me to have my blood removed but not so happy now they want to do it to her. She said at least it’s free 🤣


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