It’s Christmas Day πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

 It’s Christmas Day and that’s a very special day. It’s when the baby Jesus was born and it means we can all eat as much as we want without feeling guilty. 

First of all we met Bear for an early morning walk. It was very very cold and the boardwalk was icy. It didn’t bode well for Nix staying on her feet but miraculously she did. I think the baby Jesus was watching over her.

I was angling for another walk by 10am and miraculously Nix agreed so we set off for the beach to take a Christmas selfie. It was very sunny and lots of people were walking on the boardwalk and they were all wishing us a merry Christmas. 

We hadn’t been home long when we were off again. This time to our lovely neighbours Jackie and Peter who live next door. They had invited us both for Christmas lunch and I am very grateful to them because I’d have been stuck with Nix for the whole day otherwise. After we’d been there for a while we all went outside to have a glass of champagne with Jen and Norman who live in the house next door. After that we all sat down for a lovely lunch cooked by Peter. I was apparently exceptionally well behaved and there was just the one minor incident which was definitely not my fault.  I spotted that darned cat strolling along Jackie and Peter’s garden wall like it owned the place. Obviously that has to be addressed which meant jumping on the chair and nearly knocking all the ornaments off the shelf. No ornaments were actually broken in this exercise so no harm done really.  

All in all we’ve had a very good day indeed.


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