Quick Trip Over To Hove 😊


Life’s a funny old thing isn’t it, one day you’re chasing squirrels and the next you’re sleeping all day. Nix and I lay in for a while in the mornings now and we both quite like it. I think Nix will go on her own to communion tomorrow morning as it only lasts half and hour and I don’t really want to have to get in the car if I don’t have to…I’d rather be here asleep in my new bed. 

Speaking of my new bed which is very nice by the way, Nix had an email from a very nice lady called Linda from the bed company. She explained that they are very small company etc and she said she’d love to know what Nix thought about the bed and did I like it etc. Nix wrote a really nice email back and sent some photographs and then this morning we got another email asking exactly the same thing only with slightly different wording from the same person. Nix realises she’s been conversing with a robot called Diane and not a real person and she’s not amused 😂 We won’t be buying any more beds from them!

Today we drove over to Hove to get me a new box of poo bags. I did have to get in the car but Nix managed to park outside the pet shop so I didn’t have to get out. She brought me some of my favourite treats out so I didn’t really mind. Afterwards we drove to a little park in Hove that we visited many years ago. Then it was much too small for me and I didn’t get enough exercise but today it seemed perfect. There were a few other dogs there, mainly tiny ones that didn’t need much exercise so I really enjoyed myself. 

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas, I certainly have and now I’m looking forward to my birthday on Sunday when I’ll be 15  ðŸ˜Š


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