Quick Trip But Mainly Sleeping In My New Bed 😴

 Another quiet day today, I am quite getting used to them. I did get in the car earlier because Nix had to go down to the church to sort something out with the sound system. She had intended to leave me here but I’m not stupid, as soon as she was ready to go I was up and awake 🙂 After she had done her thing we went for a short walk along the beach which was very nice and to be honest, the shorter walks suit me better these days. 

Oh yes, guess what, my new bed arrived last night. Nix was really beginning to worry that it might be another ‘sweater’ incident, but actually it’s a really nice bed. It wasn’t cheap so it should be but Nix says you don’t always get what you pay for. My bed is made from…’sustainable, eco-friendly or 100% post-consumed recycled materials’ whatever that means but Nix says it’s a good thing. Thank you to Oh Heck Dogs,  I really like my bed and I was straight in it, it is sooo comfortable 🙂 Now we have one that we can leave at church permanently save Nix having to keep carrying it around.

Tomorrow afternoon I have been invited to a girlie afternoon. It will be at Kay’s house and there will be a lady there who really wants to meet me. She might be available to sit with me sometimes when Nix needs to go out. I’m looking forward to that, hopefully there will be cake. 

Nix is already bored with the Christmas tree and wants to take it down. She keeps bumping into it every time she opens the door and says it’s really getting on her nerves. Who knew I lived with the Grinch 🙂


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