Widewater Lagoon Today 🙂

 I have had a lovely time today. I slept for most of the time in church which was a good thing as Nix had lots of jobs to do before the service started. When we had coffee afterwards there were lots of paper doves and everyone is going to decorate one with a prayer. When they are all done they will be hung from the ceiling of the church. Last year it was just a paper dove but this year they have wings. It was very funny watching Nix and Liz and their friends trying to make them. Nix thought she had it all worked out but when it was finished its wings were a bit short. The others were laughing and saying it couldn’t fly which is probably true but at least it can stand up on its own. We had a lovely new friend called Frank join us for coffee, it was his first time at our church and he really joined in with the dove decorating. He is working at the airport in the college there as a lecturer. He has moved down from Scunthorpe (way up north) so coming to our church will help him make lots of new friends. 

After church Nix and I went for a walk down to Widewater lagoon. It is only five minutes from church so we walked there. There were lots of people because it was like a summer’s day but thankfully there weren’t too many MAMILs though there were quite a few cyclists. There were so many swans on the lagoon, they were all gathered round one house because Jo who lives there puts food out for them. I think there might be too many really but they seem happy enough…when they’re not squabbling. Jo the lady who feeds the swans took the photo but there’s twice as many as you can see. 

I’m still getting Nix up in the night so she’s tired again today. She can fall asleep on the sofa though so she will be fine. I feel a bit confused because it’s dark already and I should be in bed but Nix doesn’t seem bothered at all that I need one more walk. She said it’s something to do with changing the clocks but whatever…I need my walks 🙂


  1. I love the idea of swans at your church. I am glad it was very summer like today. We supposed to have very warm days this coming week. I think Widewater Lagoon is a very nice place for you to explore. There were a lot of swans, that is something we do not have here, just lots of geese!!


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