The Hedgehog Died But Barney Is The Hedgehog Hero…


Nix has been asleep on the sofa this afternoon, I’m not sure if it’s anything to do with me but I think it might be because as you know I do like to go out in the middle of the night, twice usually 🫒 It’s amazing really how a very light tapping on the bedroom floor with my claws wakes her up. She has tried ignoring me in the hope I will go back to sleep but after half an hour last time she got up and let me out. She says she wouldn’t mind if I needed to do the toilet but I don’t…I just like to go out there and stare at things. 

We have some sad news about the hedgehog πŸ˜₯ Our neighbour who was supposed to get him and put him in a box in her garage didn’t do what she promised and didn’t let Nix know until the end of the day when it was almost dark. Nix asked again on our WhatsApp group and Barney our next door neighbour went to collect him. He said he didn’t think he was alive but he drove him all the way into Brighton to the emergency vets where they told  Barney he was dead. They thought he had been gone for a few days so even if we’d got to him sooner it would have been too late πŸ˜” The vets were very nice to Barney and said he’d done the right thing taking him in and now he would get a proper send off. Do you think hedgehogs go to the bridge, I hope so. Nix is really upset about it but it was always going to be too late. We think Barney is our hedgehog hero πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

It rained all morning so Jackie and I didn’t go to the Parish Centre for lemon drizzle. That was a shame because the Artisans market was on and we like to see what they are selling. We did wander into town once it stopped raining but it was a bit miserable. 

It’s a good job Nix took lots of photos of moi in the sunset last night or we wouldn’t have any photos at all. She has taken one of this weird thing she’s put on the arm of the sofa to put her dinner on. She’s got rid of the coffee table you see because it was too big and it got in my way if I wanted to go up for a cuddle with Nix when she was sitting reading…there’s lots of room now, I like it πŸ™‚


  1. I am sorry to hear that the hedgehog passed away. Barney is a kind soul for taking it to the vet to be checked. I am sure all animals go to the bridge. Sad that your weather has been unfavorable. We need rain where I live in northern Ohio, USA, very badly. The reservoir is very low. It is nice that Nix moved the coffee table to another room to give you more space. She really loves you.


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