Brooklands Park With Trish


Nix and I had a very good night last night. She went to bed at about 10.30pm and I was already asleep in another room. After she finished reading, she opened the door to the garden and turned the light out. She went straight to sleep you know without a care in the world about me. Having said that she did wake up at 2 am and wonder where I was. She got out of bed and did a tour of the bungalow but I was nowhere to be seen. Guess what? I was asleep in the garden and guess what again, she left me there. She then went back to bed and went to sleep again and when she woke up this morning, I was asleep in the lounge in my bed. This regime seems to work well for all parties  concerned so unless it’s raining I think we shall make it a permanent fixture. 

Although the open door method is working well, Bron my vet has been in touch and has recommended something called Xanax which we might try. I would take it just as the sun is setting to help me relax during the night. I am on quite a lot of medication at the moment all to do with my neurological problems so Nix is waiting to ask Bron if I still need to take all of them. Are any other Beardies taking this?

This afternoon we have been to Brooklands Park with our friend Trish. It was very nice to sit outside and enjoy the fact that it wasn’t actually raining. There was no lemon drizzle cake but Nix managed to find one cake that she liked…you know how fussy she is. I was a bit annoyed because it had almonds on it and I’m not really allowed those in case I choke. I could of course had the middle but but Nix decided not to risk it. 

We have a hoover situation here as Nix’s broke this morning. We can’t afford a posh one so Nix was wondering if the Henry is any good. All the cleaning companies seem to use them and they’re quite cheap so Nix is thinking of getting one. I like the pink one, Henrietta…she’s got eyelashes 🙂


  1. Happy to hear you and Nix are resting well at night. Your day sounds like it was so nice. When the hoover is not working, it is frustrating! I hope Nix finds an affordable one that she likes. I know humans who take Xanax, I did not know dogs could take it though. Have a relaxing evening.


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