Adur Rec Today…

 I really don’t understand humans sometimes. They make something that should be really simple very very difficult. For instance, I have been waking Nix up on numerous occasions during the night because I want to go out. She gets up, she opens the door, she makes herself a cup of tea and then after about 20 minutes she comes and gets me and I go back indoors and go back to bed. An hour or so later I might want to do the same again and then again maybe. I should’ve thought it was fairly obvious that I need to be able to go outside when I want to go outside. Finally last night the penny dropped but not before she shut me out of the bedroom. That didn’t last long because she felt guilty so she let me in again and let me out into the garden. She then decided she would just leave the garden door open all night long….finally the penny drops. Yes, the door happens to be in her bedroom and yes it probably will be a bit cold but she’s got the electric blanket. Once the door was permanently open, she went to sleep and never woke up again until this morning… job done. When I say job done, I didn’t do a job in the garden because that’s not why I go out there, I just like to look at the stars. 

We went for a walk to Adur Rec at lunchtime so that was very nice. We didn’t go through the little wood because there were some youths in there and they looked a bit dodgy Nix said. We walked across the Rec and along by the river and to be honest, that was enough for me. We went home for me to have my lunch and then we headed over to the church hall where Nix was helping with the afternoon craft time for the children. I stayed in the car and went to sleep and I was rather comfortable actually.  I probably wouldn’t really be allowed in with all the children anyway so it’s a good job I fell asleep quite quickly. Nix could see me from the kitchen but she said she came out every 15 minutes just to make sure I was still asleep. 

Tomorrow we are collecting Trish to drive her to Church and then if the day is quite nice, we might go to Brooklands Park to have some lemon drizzle cake in their café 😋


  1. You are so much fun Fripp! I am glad you were able to go out whenever you wanted to. Good thing Nix got the electric blanket! I understand your wanting to go out. A chap gets bored sleeping too much. The Adur Rec appears to be very nice. I do hope you get some lemon drizzle tomorrow. Sleep well tonite.


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