A Walk To The Church Of The Good Shepherd This Afternoon…In The Rain 🌧️

 The apple crumble turned out very nice apparently, doesn’t look too clever but tastes okay. I think Nix just needs to work on her presentation skills or buy a brown baking dish to hide the burnt bits. I don’t think apple crumble would be my thing but that’s okay, we’re off to the Parish Centre tomorrow for tea and lemon drizzle 😋 Nix bought some ready made vanilla custard so I can’t see the crumble lasting long. 

We had our normal walk down the beach this morning and we have some very good news. The hedgehog had gone but it’s not what you think. Yesterday Lesley Caddick sent Nix an article on hedgehogs and guess what. Apparently at this time of the year when they want to hibernate, if they can’t find the right place then sometimes they just go to sleep on the pavement or in the road. They look dead but actually they’re not they’re just asleep and if you find one, you should put it in a box somewhere warm. So Nix wrote on the neighbours’ WhatsApp group if there was anyone brave enough to do that and Steph who has just moved in at the end of the road immediately offered to do it. She was to get a box and put a hole in it and then she’s going to put the hedgehog in her garage for the winter. We don’t know of course whether it’s still alive, but we’re really hoping and praying that it is just sleeping. Nix is very happy about this and I suppose I am too because if she’s happy then so am I. 

This afternoon we actually walked down the the Church of the Good Shepherd. Nix decided if I could do the old fort then I could definitely do the church and it’s not quite so far but in the other direction. It did start to rain when we were halfway there but we decided to carry on. Nix wanted to see if she could change the donation machine at the back of church to do ‘fast payments’ meaning that if people did want to donate to a special cause on a Sunday there wouldn’t be a long queue 🙂 Nix managed to change the machine which was great but we did get soaking wet on the way back. I tried to go to sleep on the new rug…I was moved on…


  1. I do hope the hedgehog will be ok. How nice of your neighbor to volunteer to help with it. So sorry you got wet! Tell Nix the apple crumble looks very good! I feel inspired to make one myself. Have a pleasant evening. xxooxx


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