Visit To The Vet Today But Just To Pick Up My Medication

 I think today might have just been a tad boring. I did enjoy my croissant at the Parish Centre but to be honest I was asleep for most of the time. When we left we got almost to the footbridge when Nix realised she’d left my bed behind…I mean how can you forget something so important! Anyway once we got home Nix attended to the new clematis which had to be released from its tape stuff and it is now securely fixed to a new cane. All of the sweet peas are fixed the same and now Nix is trying to decide what to plant in the final pot. At first she thought of some kind of small evergreen tree as it’s a huge pot but now she says she’s thinking of putting veggies in there instead. She won’t of course, this is all for dramatic effect as she has had to fork out £300 for my medication and says she can’t afford to buy food for herself, only for moi 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t worry it’s not true, you know how she likes to exaggerate 🙄 If she’s serious about the veggies she’d be looking for something that grows quite tall. She liked that squash thingie her neighbour had last year but she doesn’t like squash so maybe some runner beans or something if you have any ideas. 

After our Friday morning I slept right through until gone 2pm this afternoon. We then drove over to the vets at Brighton and they were very pleased to see me as of course we generally go to  Peacehaven now. I got my meds and I got weighed because Nix was a little worried that I might have put on weight due to me perfecting my treat trick. Anyway I weighed just over 20kg which is my normal weight so although Nix was very pleased she was also annoyed because she can’t eat as many treats as I do and not get fat. I know 20kg is very light for a boy Beardie but no need to worry, I went down to 16kg when my kidneys went wrong. 20kg is my usual weight and because my back legs are a bit wobbly I prefer to be a bit lighter. 

I don’t think we’ve got anything planned for this afternoon or evening so I’ll probably stay asleep now until my last walk.  Tomorrow we have tea and hopefully lemon drizzle cake at the Parish Centre 😋

Nix just got the St Mary’s parish magazine for May. They have her down as Nix Cuthbert 🤣🤣🤣


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