Visit From Rita Today…

Bit of a wet start to the day especially as it wasn’t meant to rain. Actually it only rained for a little bit and then it hailed! Nix and I got quite wet but we’re dry now.

Rita came round this morning so that was very nice. I generally sleep in one of the bedrooms in the morning but not if we have visitors, then I sleep in the lounge. I just like to keep an eye on Nix, make sure that she isn’t going out without me again. They were just having cups of coffee really and chatting about churchy stuff. Nix is standing for church warden on Sunday so they were talking about that a bit and generally putting the world to rights…or so they thought. 

Nix and I left when Rita was ready to go home and we had a nice walk round the town. We went via the churchyard and the shops and Nix bought some eggs and I got a treat in the egg shop. I also got a treat from a nice man who we bump into sometimes in the street.

Tomorrow morning we have our Friday morning thing at St Mary’s where I shall get some croissant and on Saturday morning we shall be having coffee and cake in the Parish Centre so maybe some lemon drizzle…it’s been a while 😋


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