Quiet Day Today, Hoping For Something Better Tomorrow 🙂

 We haven’t done a lot really today. Well I suppose Nix has but I’ve been asleep most of the time. I think Nix is going to slightly lower my Reconcile (Prozac) next week. Bron had said I could come off it altogether if I seemed well but Nix is a bit nervous so we’ll do it slowly. I’m quite old now and I do like to sleep all day. I notice when I do check, Nix is often asleep on the sofa too. Speaking of the sofa she is threatening to sleep on it tonight. She doesn’t like me sleeping in a different room so if Mohammed and all that. Apparently I was snoring in church 🤣

We’ve had a bit of a walk on the beach but it was very windy. As we have nothing to do tomorrow and it shouldn’t be raining, I think we might go somewhere a bit special in the car.  We might have to take lots of photos because we didn’t take very many today. 

A decision has been made about what to plant in the final pot. Many thanks for all the recommendations but I’m not really bothered because I can’t reach into it, it’s too tall. Anyway Nix is going to grow French beans that climb up the poles and she thinks they will look very pretty and she can eat them too and give some to our neighbours.  Thank you to all who recommended them and to Joy who specifically recommended Cobra, Nix has already ordered the seeds. 

Nix got elected as church warden this morning. Apparently there is a law that says church wardens can arrest anyone who disrupts a church service and so I’d better watch out…I knew this would go to her head 🙄


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