I Still Do Not Have A Lazy Eye 🤔


I’m only going to say this one more time, I do not have a lazy eye. And if I did have a lazy eye it would not be funny! Anyway Nix was feeling bad for laughing so she has cleaned the annoying bit of hair with a wet wipe and tried to get it to grow in the right direction which is not over my eye. Weirdly Nix has a bit of hair that is growing up instead of down and which I think looks ridiculous. The new haircut hasn’t made any difference, if anything it’s made it worse but am I laughing… no! 🤣🤣🤣

We walked all the way to the old fort this morning. The men were there making a path from the car park to the harbour wall. Now people with disabilities can get to the arm to fish as before the only way was across the pebbles which isn’t very good if you’re in a wheelchair. Speaking of fish (well sort of) there were two seals earlier in the sea near Widewater Lagoon. One of them was taking it easy having a little rest. 

This afternoon we have been to Southwick Hill. We didn’t go quite as far as we usually do because I do get tired a little sooner but I still had a really good time. I ate some soil, rather tasty but then Nix came and spoiled things and took me away. On the way back we went to the big DIY shop to find some stick thingies for the clematis to grow up but they didn’t have any. Nix has planted the clematis but she is a bit worried that the stem is a bit thin. Hopefully it will get stronger as it grows and Nix is glad the intruder won’t be able to reach it. She is still going to put some big stones on top because there are many intruders that like to dig so that will stop them and the clematis likes its roots in the shade too. I could lay on top of it if I could reach it 🙂


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