Devil’s Dyke Yay πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™‚

 I shall be fast asleep while Nix types this blog because I am very very tired! I think Nix is too but she is under my strict instruction to get the blog sent off before she dozes off. I have done all I can to make sure it gets out on time but there are no guarantees. 

This morning the sun was out and it was actually quite warm, we had a lovely early morning walk down the beach and Nix said that if it stayed nice we could go to Devil’s Dyke later. This was very exciting as I love it there…let’s just hope the cows aren’t out because Nix doesn’t like them. They chase people with dogs and because the dogs can run faster it’s usually the people who get flattened by the cows. I am not joking, there have been air ambulances called out to take people to hospital so Nix refuses to go where they are because they’re apparently unpredictable. 

I had a bit of a doze in the garden and Nix hung some washing out and next thing I know we’re in the car and on our way to Devil’s Dyke. As soon as we reached the last bit of our journey we could see that the cows were out and so we were very disappointed. We never give up though and we found a bit where there weren’t any cows. I was meant to be kept on a lead but Nix knows I don’t chase cows and I’d have to see them before Nix which is unlikely these days as her eyesight is quite good. Anyway we had a really great walk and we didn’t bump into any cows thank goodness and Nix took lots of photos of me, I hope you like them. 

As we were driving home Nix got a phone call from Kay who is the other churchwarden. They arranged to meet in town for a cuppa and a chat…the first churchwardens’ meeting I suppose. I slept under the table while they talked churchy stuff and then we came home.

Nix has cleaned the garden wall and put the rubbish out and now she is going to have a nap. All in all it’s been a very productive day πŸ™‚


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