Nix Went Out To Lunch, I Stayed Home With Jackie…

 So I’ve not really done a lot today. On the other hand Nix has done quite a lot. She went out for lunch with a friend and had two glasses of Prosecco and is actually still standing which is a miracle. She got soaked walking home in the drizzle which wasn’t expected but she’s nice and dry now and I was hoping we might go out for a walk. Apparently because she took me out before she went out for lunch I’m not due another one until just before home group arrive at 7.30pm. I think I might just go to bed. 

Not many photos either today I’m afraid because Nix has been too lazy to take me out. We went out this morning but it was very misty and Nix didn’t take any. She did do a video which hasn’t come out so it looks like there’s just the one of me in the distance. I expect Nix will take one of me asleep this afternoon while I wait for my next walk. 

Tomorrow Kevin is coming to fix the skirting board in the hallway which got a bit wrecked when the first front door didn’t do very well when it rained. He wanted to come and fix some plastic thingie over the top of the skirting that’s already there but Nix said no…quite right too, we don’t want plastic skirting boards. Well let’s be honest, Nix doesn’t want plastic skirting boards, I couldn’t care less to be honest. 

Hopefully more news tomorrow 🙂


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