Nix Is A Bit Poorly… πŸ˜”


So Nix has been diagnosed with a chest infection. It’s all come on a bit quick so took her by surprise. She was fine when she went out for lunch yesterday and then during home group last night she started coughing. By this morning she was really poorly so unlike her, she called the doctor. He said he’d like to listen to her chest so off she went leaving me asleep at home. Apparently the doctor was very handsome and I think it threw Nix out a bit as she was expecting someone older. Anyway he was asking her disgusting questions about phlegmy stuff and Nix answered with what one can only describe as a double entendre. I am French of course so I know exactly what this is and all I can say is I’m so glad I wasn’t there. As soon as it came out of Nix’s mouth she realised what she’d said and the doctor was smiling and said something like, “Really!” Nix said she couldn’t decide whether to explain herself or leave it so she decided to leave it and get out of there. Anyway he’s given her some antibiotics and told her how she can fix her deaf ear so she got her money’s worth…well it’s free actually but at least she gave probably the entire surgery a good laugh. Don’t even bother to ask what she said because to he honest we’d all get put into Facebook jail if she repeated it 🀣🀣🀣

We’ve been to the beach but it is very miserable out there and Nix doesn’t feel brilliant so I didn’t mind coming home quickly. The tide was very high and I was getting too close to the waves so I had to go on my lead so it was a bit boring anyway.  Now we’re home and she’s coughing and sneezing both of which I dislike intensely so I’ve taken myself as far away from the lounge as possible. Being deaf does help of course πŸ™‚

Sadly we’ll have to miss our Friday morning, don’t want to be infecting anyone. She’s already worried about lunch yesterday…bit too much hugging going on I expect πŸ™„


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