I Found More Fish…Then I Was Sick πŸ˜•


Last night there was a lovely sunset and Nix took a photo of me with it as a backdrop. Apparently I look quite handsome πŸ™‚ 

Today is like summer, I went out without my coat and I wasn’t cold at all. Nix says we have to make the best of it because it’s going to rain every day now for seven days πŸ˜’ 

I was a good boy this morning as I waited in the car for Nix while she had her Tuesday morning communion. I slept the whole time, I quite liked it and it’s better than staying at home on my own. 

This afternoon Nix has a churchy meeting at our friend Kay’s house. Now Kay has a young Cocker spaniel so there will be dog beds and dogs toys. I was really looking forward to it but now I’m told I’ll be sleeping in the car on Kay’s drive as I can’t be trusted to behave myself.

Tomorrow Jackie is coming to sit with me because Nix has a lunch date. There is Prosecco involved so I’m preparing myself for Nix’s return…I’ll be lucky if I get a half decent walk because you know what she’s like. Just the one glass is enough to render her useless. 

I wouldn’t hold your breath for tomorrow’s blog 🀣🀣🀣

PS I found more fish on the beach πŸ˜‹


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