Widewater Silver Anniversary


Last night we waited for the rain to stop before we went out for our last walk. I’m not bothered by the rain but Nix doesn’t like it. Anyway it was worth the wait because we saw a lovely rainbow in the sky when we got to the beach. Nix took a photo that made it look like I was at the end of the rainbow…she said I was her little pot of gold. 

This morning the boardwalk was very wet from all the rain yesterday but we still walked all the way to the old fort. Nix put nappy pads in all the beds except the smaller one that I don’t go in so much. I decided to go in that one for a change and now it’s wet and smelly so Nix has had to wash it. 

This afternoon we went up to Widewater Lagoon where they were having a bit of a do as it was their silver anniversary. They had the Sundown Ukulele Band playing and lots of stalls and things and there were owls though I didn’t see them. We came back via the beach but it was getting too hot so we didn’t stay long. 

I had a bit of a relapse I’m sorry to say, Nix needs to put another heavy flowerpot there, the plastic ones are too easy to move. On the good side we had six peacock butterflies in the garden. They were settled on the grapes.


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