The Last Café Today 😪


A very enjoyable walk on the beach this morning, I found a dead fish…it was yummy. I couldn’t manage it all and Nix wouldn’t let me bring it home, I have no idea why 🤔

Later we headed out for our final café morning. It will be strange on Tuesday mornings not going there, I shall probably sleep instead so not much will change for me. We had some visitors today who have been to visit before which was nice and they wanted to say goodbye. John our regular came with a packet of Chocolate Digestives for us to take for coffee after church, we’re hoping he’ll come and have coffee with us there. Rev’d Jane joined us for a cuppa too and after chatting with Jane Nix thinks she might get confirmed. She never was as a child and she really wants to do it now. Obviously I enquired whether I could get confirmed too but apparently they don’t do dogs, not even Beardies 🤔

This afternoon we just went to Buckingham Park. That was very pleasant and not too far as I do tend to get a little tired these days as does Nix. It’s rather nice that we are growing old together. 

I am quite excited because on Sunday we might be getting a visit from a Beardie person who we have never met before. I don’t think she will have her Beardies with her as she lives in America but I expect she will bring me treats 😉 If she can’t come to visit to then there is another pet service at the big church so we might go to that…


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