I’m Obsessed…Apparently 🫢
Its very difficult to kick a habit you know. Nix says if I’d owned up to being the intruder in the first place I could have had training and I might be a better behaved dog by now. As it is I didn’t and now I’m stuck with it…I cannot resist a flower bed. Suffice it to say that I am in the dog house so it’s a good job I did the digging after we’d had our walk to Southwick Hill.
It was very nice up at Southwick Hill by the way, I like the views and it’s nice and breezy. It’s a shame they are building so many new houses on the edge of the village, they are getting closer and closer to the Downs. I hope they don’t decide to build on Southwick Hill, I shouldn’t like that at all.
We have home group here this evening so Nix is tidying up and cleaning. She’s also very happy because a package arrived for her this afternoon. She’s been saving up for ages for her favourite bottle of perfume and it’s finally arrived. I can’t see what all the fuss is about myself, I prefer the smell of stinky old fish and that’s free.
Tomorrow we are going into town with Jackie and Indie for a cup of tea so I am looking forward to that. Its not meant to be too sunny but will be nice and warm so we can sit outside and watch the world go by…we’ll that’s what Nix says happens, I usually go to sleep 😴
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