Today I Got To Wear A Vicar’s Scarf Thingy ๐Ÿ˜‡

 I have dictated the blog to Nix and now I’m putting my paws up in the cool of the summerhouse. Nix is having to lie on the bed so she can keep watch for the intruder who digs the garden up. She’s even more determined now to knock down the wall between the lounge and the bedroom so she can see straight out to the garden. She’ll never be able to afford it so I don’t need to worry just yet about the intruder being spotted ๐Ÿ™‚

We had the cafรฉ this morning and for the first time not a single person came. Some of the ladies from the earlier communion service stayed on so that was nice. Rev Pat let me wear her vicar’s scarf thingy round my neck…I liked that ๐Ÿ˜‡

Sainsbury’s called to say they couldn’t deliver our groceries for reasons best known to them themselves so Nix has had to go out and buy some food for her tonight as she had used everything up. Sainsbury’s will bring our shopping tomorrow now which is a good thing as my tuna will be in one of the bags. It’s not been a good week for shopping because when Nix went online to buy my food the smaller bag with mobility was out of stock everywhere so she had to order the massive sack. The chap who delivers it waltzed  up the drive with it and made it look really light. He put it on the step and walked off and when Nix went to bring it indoors she couldn’t move it because it was really heavy. It’s a good job we have slidy floors. 

This afternoon we went to Brooklands to have a cup of tea and some cake. The cafรฉ isn’t open yet but they have been using the horse box but they are only open in the mornings so we missed them. I hope the cafรฉ is going to be open all day because I prefer to go in the afternoons.


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