The Tree In Hove Park Was A Paulownia Tree…

So the beautiful tree we saw in Hove Park has turned out to be a Paulownia or Foxglove tree. Clever Trudie, Sara, Sheila and Rosslyn…Nix is very impressed πŸ™‚ We did check with The Friends of Hove Park. 

We had a lovely evening walk on the beach last night. It was really sunny and lots of the flowers on the beach were in full bloom. There were red and pink Valerian, Nix’s favourite and we have some growing wild in front of the bungalow much to her delight. There was sea kale with its white flowers…I like to do my poopies in them and then they’re really hard to find πŸ™‚ There is the naughty silver ragwort which is a bit invasive so lots of that gets taken out to make room for the more rare plants like the yellow horned poppy. Shoreham beach is a designated nature reserve you know so we have to take care of it…we have lizards 🫒

We had another quick walk on the beach this morning before church and then just after lunch we have been to Southwick Hill which was very nice but a bit hot so we didn’t go too far. 

Please be thinking about my sister Calie in France who has been in hospital with a possible liver tumour. She is too weak at the moment to have the tests but she is home now and eating so hopefully in a couple of weeks she can have the tests done. We send her and her family all our love. 

There are bees in Buckingham Park 🐝🐝🐝


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